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Attain a refined, natural look with Preservation Rhinoplasty

Preservation rhinoplasty takes a modern approach to traditional nose surgery, allowing patients to achieve a balanced and symmetrical nose that reflects their aesthetic ideals. This version of rhinoplasty prioritizes the preservation of the underlying tissues and nasal structure of the nose, ensuring that the patient’s identity is respected as the desired changes are made.

At Sistine Plastic Surgery, Dr. Leong utilizes his years of experience to perform customized Preservation Rhinoplasty procedures, providing his patients in Morgantown with results that are both natural-looking and attractive.

What are the benefits?

Patients who choose to undergo preservation rhinoplasty in Morgantown enjoy many benefits. Some of these include:

  • Preserves the nose’s natural anatomy, including the cartilage, bone, and other tissues
  • Prevents trauma to the nasal tissues, resulting in less postoperative swelling and a shorter recovery process
  • Achieves cosmetic changes without affecting nasal function, such as breathing
  • Attains more natural results by restructuring the existing features of the nose instead of making dramatic changes
  • Results in lower rates of revision, as patients often achieve their desired look after the first procedure
  • Higher satisfaction rates, as patients are able to retain much of their natural nasal tissue
Preservation Rhinoplasty Morgantown

Who is a candidate?

Like any surgical procedure, patients can only determine their candidacy after having a consultation with a certified practitioner. Nonetheless, there are certain points that usually indicate whether a patient is fit for the treatment or not. Prospective patients should:

  • Have a straight caudal septum between the nostrils
  • Have never undergone nose surgery before
  • Be looking to address a nasal bump that is small or medium in size
  • Be seeking a reduction in the projection of the nose

What is the recovery process like?

One of the most notable advantages of preservation rhinoplasty is that it comes with a milder recovery process. This approach to rhinoplasty involves fewer changes to the nose, naturally leading to less discomfort, bruising, and swelling for patients as they are healing. However, patients will still need to take at least a week off from work and three weeks off from exercise to ensure positive results without complications.

Preservation Rhinoplasty Morgantown

Why choose Sistine Plastic Surgery?

Led by Dr. Paul Leong, Sistine Plastic Surgery embraces innovative techniques to provide top-tier care for patients in Morgantown. While traditional rhinoplasty has a long track record of success throughout the world, Dr. Leong gives patients the additional option of preservation rhinoplasty, which allows for more tapered and calculated results. With extensive experience and expertise gained from carrying out countless successful procedures, he stands as a pillar of skill and proficiency in the realm of cosmetology that few practitioners can match.

Reach out to us today to set up a private consultation and learn more about what preservation rhinoplasty can do for you.

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