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Patient ID#: 2218

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This Asian American Pittsburgh facelift patient was unhappy with her tired facial expression and the drooping skin of her face and neck. To address her complaints Dr. Leong performed a deep plane SMAS faceneck lift as well as a platysmaplasty to contour and tighten the skin of the neck.

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Dr. Leong explains this patient's remarkable before & after results from her facelift.


The diagonal view shows a natural overall result with great improvement in her face, jawline, and neck. Dr. Leong performs an advanced deep plane SMAS facelift that is designed to provide a long-lasting and unoperated appearing result. The key is to place no stretch on the skin, displacing all of the tension for the facelift to the deep SMAS layer of the face. This approach permits beautiful healing of the incisions and no stretch or pulled appearance that can occur with lesser facelift techniques.

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