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What if there were a safe, efficient and painless way to melt away the stubborn submental fat that results in a double chin? Many Morgantown WV patients do not know that this groundbreaking solution is already available in the form of Kybella, an FDA-approved injectable that can do wonders to smooth, slim and refine your profile.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is made with a naturally occurring compound called deoxycholic acid, which works to emulsify and break down fat cells in the body. Once Kybella is injected, the fat deposits begin to quickly dissolve and the body is able to discard it as waste. Over the course of several weeks, the target zone becomes slimmer and more shapely, improving your self-confidence and rolling back the clock on the aging process. Most clients need between 1 and 6 sessions to achieve comprehensive improvement.

Is there any recovery for Kybella?

Unlike a neck lift or a facelift, with Kybella, you will be able to return to your normal activities immediately after your Morgantown WV session with Dr. Leong. Some minor swelling, bruising or numbness is normal, but these symptoms fade quickly.

Why choose Dr. Leong in Morgantown, WV?

Double board certified in both Otolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery) and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Leong brings an innovative and precision-based focus to his non-surgical procedures not found elsewhere. Trained at among the foremost medical institutions in the country, including Yale University School of Medicine and the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Leong employs a conservative, patient-centric approach that celebrates the individual while minimizing cosmetic flaws that diminish quality of life.

His clients find that not only are their results refreshingly natural, but the process itself is seamless, stress-free and relaxing. Call us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Leong, and find out if Kybella is a good match for your aesthetic goals.

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