
One of the most stubborn areas to remove or reduce fat is in the chin area. Since weight loss is not very effective in diminishing a “double chin,” liposuction has been a common procedure to treat this condition. However, liposuction is a surgical procedure requiring a visit to the hospital and approximately two weeks of downtime. shutterstock_121013587Kybella offers a non-surgical alternative to treating chin fat without a long recovery period or a trip to the hospital. With a series of injections, Kybella breaks down fat cells which are then reabsorbed into the body. The chemical component of Kybella is very similar to a naturally occurring substance in the body called deoxycholic acid. Treatment only takes approximately 20 minutes and is conveniently done in our offices located in and around the Pittsburgh area.

The following will give you some additional information on Kybella. If you would like to schedule a consultation to talk about this procedure, please contact Sistine Plastic Surgery.

Who is a good candidate for treatment?

Dr. Paul Leong will determine if you are a good candidate for Kybella treatments during a consultation. Typically a healthy man or woman with a double chin deformity and good skin elasticity can be a great candidate. It is important to note that Kybella only addresses the fat cells in the body and does not tighten the skin. A facelift OR neck lift maybe a good option for those who have loose, sagging skin after the removal of fat cells.

Who Will Do My Kybella Injections?

At Sistine Plastic Surgery only Dr. Paul Leong performs Kybella injections. As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul Leong has a good deal of insight into the optimal use of Kybella. Because Dr. Paul Leong’s practice is exclusively focused on facial plastic surgery he very frequently operates on the neck and submental area to improve aesthetic appearance. A double chin or turkey wattle appearance is a common complaint among many patients. Dr. Paul Leongs surgical experience gives him a detailed appreciation of the anatomy of the neck and how the different structures in the submental area relate to the fat compartments of the neck. Knowledge of the submental and neck anatomy provides Dr. Paul Leong with a good foundation to determine where and how much fat should be targeted with Kybella. It is important to remember that Kybella, just like any other injectable treatment, is only as good as the injector doing the treatment.

What can I expect after treatment?

You may be a little swollen or red at the injection sites. Bruising and soreness is also possible. The number of injections depends on the severity of the fat located underneath the chin. In most cases, you can return to work the same day.

How many treatments do I need?

Each patient will be evaluated individually during their consultation. There is never a one size fits all treatment plan since everyone has different facial anatomies and areas of concern. Depending on the extend of your double chin deformity, you may benefit from having a total of 3-6 injection sessions approximately one month apart.

Can Kybella be used on other areas of the body?

More research needs to be completed to determine if Kybella is safe to use in other areas of the body. Currently, Kybella is only FDA approved for use in the chin and neck area.

Does insurance cover this procedure?

No, Kybella injections are not covered under any insurance plans since the procedure is elective and cosmetic.

What is the cost of Kybella™ Injections in Pittsburgh?

The cost of Kybella™ injections can fluctuate depending on the injector’s skill level as well as their geographic location. The price of Kybella™ can typically range from $600 to $1200 per treatment. Generally, each treatment consists of two vials of Kybella™. Dr. Leong and his staff will perform an in depth consultation to determine each patient’s specific goals and desired outcomes. After formulating these goals, Dr. Leong and his staff will guide you on a treatment plan and cost. For further questions, please reach out to our office at 412-693-6475.